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Dermacare HR $100 Referral Credit

Alright, so if you are reading this, chances are you have already made Dermacare HR "your place." We love getting to see our regulars - not only do you become near and dear friends, but we are able to get our hands on you (literally) often enough to see your skin, collagen, tone & texture, sun damage, acne, and fine lines transform under our regular tutelage and advanced medical treatments. And there is nothing we love more than to see the total treatment-to-transformation process! Personally, I would like to say thank you for trusting me with your face. I truly love taking care of it ❤️ If you hold Dermacare near and dear to your heart the same way we hold you close to ours, make sure to tell your friends, family, anybody... When you do, make sure to tell them to use your full name as the referral to Dermacare during their Online Health Questionnaire as a new patient - and you'll BOTH get $100! New patients to Dermacare receive $100 off their first treatment, but may not be combined with specials. When you as an established patient here at Dermacare refer a new patient, and they spend $250 or more, you get a $100 referral credit! So send me all your peeps, your kids bus driver, your boss - then I get to see YOU more often too!

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